Minor Characters Update

I would like to go over a few of the minor NPCs you might run into in Waves to Freedom. These character will either help you or try to stop you. It might be best to try to avoid them, unless you want to test your luck. I haven't decided if all of these character will be in the game yet. But I will using them for future projects. Let's start by going over some of the characters you already know.

First, we have the first minor character that you meet in the story. He is the first one you meet if you click on a tent near the start. That character is Qaydith. He is the main villain of the game. 

The next character is also one that you have already met in the game and that is Veninedute. As the game goes on she will still try to help you. Just keep in mind that this lady of fortune doesn't do anything for free. Here's hoping that you will be able to repay that favor.

Moving on to the new characters! This is Xione and she will be friendly to the player. You can find her at a lake and she might even give the party some items to help. If you ask her nicely she might even tell you what the future holds.

The next character is Solsinabh the Spider Queen. It is her city that you are trying to escape. She is Qaydith's and Venidute's mother. Solsinabh loves a good story. So she doesn't have a reason to work with or against the player. Her husband is Knommguh and he will not be in the game.

The next character is Kenus. He is also a child of Solsinabh. He will also be that last minor character that will be adding. This family is big and has a lot more characters. I would love to add all of them. But I don't think they are needed. These are the characters that I think will be the most helpful for the story. Anyways these characters are made and will be showing up in the game soon.

If you want to know whose who in the pictures. Here you go:






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